Industry Collaboration and Standards

White Paper: A New Era in Trusted Network Security Testing
By defining open and transparent network security testing specifications, the leading NGFW vendors supporting NetSecOPEN are looking to usher in a new era in trusted network security testing.

Briefing: A10 Helps SKT Build Leadership in 5G
SKT is a world-leader in 5G. This HardenStance Briefing depicts the operator's strategy for 5G services and applications and the contribution A10 Networks is making to SKT's supporting network and network security infrastructure.

Briefing: Ericsson and Nokia Complete 5G CyberHack
80 hackers gathered in Oulu, Finland, over the last week-end of November 2019 to crawl all over Ericsson and Nokia's 5G network products and see what flaws they could find. HardenStance attended and published this Briefing on what happened and why it matters.

White Paper: Next Steps in Playbook-Driven Cyber Security
This White Paper, sponsored by The Cyber Threat Alliance, IBM Security, KPN and Nokia looks at the importance of using Defensive and Incident Response (IR) playbooks as a foundational building block of security automation.

Blog: NSS Labs Suit vs AMTSO Dismissed
The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California has dismissed the NSS Labs Anti Trust lawsuit against AMTSO. Thank goodness.

Briefing: A New Window into an OpenC2 World
The OpenC2 Forum has approved its first specifications, putting the standard on a footing with which it can scale out into commercial deployments and increase speed and efficiency in cyber security operations.

Briefing: The NSS Labs Apology to CrowdStrike
The NSS Labs apology to CrowdStrike and resolution of their lawsuits is progress as far as it goes. But it still leaves outstanding the NSS antitrust suit against AMTSO.

Briefing: IBM Security and Cisco Mean Business
It's clear from the proof-points offered up in a recent webcast that IBM Security and Cisco are serious about their cyber security alliance. In the near future, though, the partners will disrupt the cyber security market at the margins rather than transforming it.

Briefing: ETSI Secures Public Clouds for Telcos
ETSI TC Cyber has released a new security standard that allows telcos to run core public telecom services in - wait for it - public clouds. Here's how it works and what it means for the telecom ecosystem.

White Paper: “AI in Cyber Security: Filtering out the Noise”
AI isn't a 'silver bullet' for cyber security, neither does it need to represent unacceptable risk. Drawing on research into the experience of early adopters, this White Paper provides guidance on what to expect from AI in cyber security..

White Paper: Partnering Government for Better Telco Security
Government and government cyber security agencies can be very helpful in getting telco security spending signed off. Telco security professionals should be looking to exploit those opportunities.

Briefing: Palo Alto Networks Joins NGMN Alliance
Now that Palo Alto Networks has joined, there are two focused security vendors in the Next Generation Mobile Network (NGMN) Alliance. Other security vendors should consider joining too.